Ali and his rockets

Bringing Businesses to Life | Launching Rocket Man in Bristol

Ali moved to the UK from Syria. In Syria, his home country, Ali had a huge farm and well where he gathered fresh water to produce traditional Syrian vegetables. Since moving to Bristol, an urban area, Ali has been missing his farm and growing his own vegetables. He wanted to continue his work, which he loved to do but needed some extra support to set up a business here in the UK.

One day, Ali attended an ACH Introductory Workshop to learn more about the services we provide. Ali told us about his farm back in Syria and his interest in continuing farming here in Bristol.

Keep reading to find out more about Ali’s story…

I just had an idea and didn't know how to make it happen. They helped me every step of the way and gave me a chance to make my dreams come true.

Ali’s Motivation

In Syria, his home country, Ali had a huge farm and well where he gathered fresh water to produce traditional Syrian vegetables. Since moving to Bristol, an urban area, Ali has been missing his farm and growing his own vegetables. He wanted to continue his work, which he loved to do but needed some extra support to set up a business here in the UK. He did not speak English and it was very difficult to find land to grow plants. One day, Ali attended an ACH Introductory Workshop to learn more about the services we provide. Ali told us about his farm back in Syria and his interest in continuing farming here in Bristol. He had previously volunteered on a plot of land but felt he was now ready to start his own business. 

Finding land

Ali came to Eloise, one of ACH’s Enterprise Facilitators, to help him look for land where he could start growing organic vegetables to sell to local Bristol businesses and the public. This was a big challenge as there are not many places in Bristol where you can acquire land for growing vegetables as a business. Most allotments do not allow their tenants to use plots for small business, and there are few other options available for urban farming opportunities.

After reaching out to different organisations, Sims Hill Shared Harvest, a community supported agriculture cooperative, kindly offered a vacant plot of land to support Ali’s business venture. Sims Hill Shared Harvest then helped Ali to explore different options for land, and sourced tools for him to help him start cultivating.

With support from Hilary Green, ACH and Sims Hill Shared Harvest, Ali was able to secure a plot of land with Avon Wildlife Trust on their site to start his organic vegetable business, called Rocket Man. He is now working closely with Adam from Sims Hill Harvest to sell his produce.

Challenges and Mentoring

Ali has also been working with one of ACH’s volunteer business mentors, Hilary Green, a retired small business expert sales & marketing advisor. It is very difficult to start a business from scratch, especially if you live in a different country and don’t know the language! Due to the climate differences between Syria and England, Ali had to grow different crops. Ali was informed about plants suitable for the climate of England.
Hilary supported Ali every step of the way and helped him make the necessary connections.

“If you have the experience, go out and do it! If you do not, then volunteer or work until you are ready. I volunteered for two years to get to know the land and the climate here in the UK.”  - Ali

Harvesting Time and Next Steps

Ali has now been growing and selling his produce since August and is building up a customer base. He has now expanded from just a growing rocket. He now grows radish, spinach, chard, beetroot, coriander, and cabbage.

This has been a truly local, community effort to help Ali start his business and pursue his passion and ambitions. Ali’s business is a profoundly local, farm-to-table story, and as businesses look for local food producers to combat the climate crisis, we hope Ali’s organic business will take off. 

Now, Ali wants to grow different kinds of plants in his garden. Moreover, he is fundraising to buy a polytunnel for growing vegetables during winter. During his journey, Hillary and Eloise will continue to support him!

If anyone listening is looking for a truly ethical, local and organic supplier of seasonal vegetables – get in touch! Alternatively, if you are interested in supporting Ali, please contact his enterprise facilitator Eloise.

Thinking about setting up your own business?

ACH offers free personalised support with the launch or growth of your business. Contact us to find out more or visit our webpage.

Latest News from Ali!

Now, Ali raising £5,422 to buy a polytunnel which will allow him to grow vegetables all year around. Now, he has opened a Justgiving page and waiting for your support to achieve his dreams.

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